We are Aboriginal and Islander Christians from all over Australia who have come together to form a National Congress, the result of a vision developed through a series of gatherings in the early 1980’s.
- We consist of Aboriginal and Islander members of the Uniting Church in Australia and members in fellowship who may also be members of any other denomination;
- We are made up of Aboriginal and Islander people seeking to fulfill their calling as Christians among their own people, especially in the area of holistic community development;
- We determine our own goals and objectives and decide policies and priorities;
- We run our own programs and institutions;
- We aim, in collaboration with other people, to bring to an end the injustices which hold Aboriginal and Islander people at the fringes of Australian society and to help Aboriginal and Islander people achieve spiritual, economic, social and cultural independence.
- Congress seeks to unite in one fellowship all Aboriginal and Islander Christians who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord, accept the authority of the Scriptures and desire to follow and serve Christ as his disciples.
Contact Details
Interim National Chairperson: Rev. Mark Kickett
National Interim Admin Assistant: Ian Dempster